Oldest Zoo in the world
쉽게 런던이나 파리의 동물원을 떠올릴 수 있겠으나, WAZA Conference에서도 Wikipedia에서도 세게최초의 동물원은 1752년 오스트리아 빈의 쇤부른 동물원의 세계 최조의 동물원이라고 한다. 물론 그 뒤를 파리 동물원과와 런던 동물원이 잇고 있다고 한다.
Oldest Zoo in the world
TiergartenSchönbrunn (literally, “Schönbrunn Zoo”), or “Vienna Zoo”, is a zoo located on the grounds of the famous Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna,Austria. Founded as an imperial menagerie in 1752, it is the oldest zoo in the world. Today TiergartenSchönbrunn is considered and regards itself as a scientifically administered zoo which sees its main purpose as a centre for species conservation and general nature conservation as well as in the fulfillment of the education mandate given to it by the legislation. The still preserved buildings of the baroque era, which have been complemented in the last years by elements of modern zoo architecture, convey still a good impression of the 18th century menagerie-buildings after the Versailles model.
The zoo was constructed in 1752 next to SchlossSchönbrunn by Adrian van Stekhoven at the order of the then Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I, husband of Maria Theresia, to serve as an imperial menagerie. It was centered around a pavilion meant for imperial breakfasts. Therefore, thirteen animal enclosures in the form of cut cake pieces were established around this central pavilion.
The central pavilions and the menagerie building were built by Jean Nicolas Jadot de Ville-Issey. A small zoo had already existed on the premises since 1540, but the complex was opened to the public only in 1779. Initially, there were no entrance fees.
(From Wikipedia)